Wednesday, July 23, 2014


So, I have a secret.  Not a big secret, but it's something that used to be ashamed of.  Something I hid from the world.

I have cankles.  

It feels so good to get that out there.  Wow.  

But seriously, I do.  And I have hid them for many years.  Pants at work, jeans in the summer, tights with dresses, leg warmers.  You name it, I've covered up my thick ankles with it.

What is a cankle, you may ask?  Here is a handy image to sum it up:


But not anymore!  It occurred to me that I have spent entirely too much of my life worrying that someone might see *GASP!* my ankles!  (It's like I'm living in the Victorian era or something.) 

There are several things wrong with this line of thinking:

1.) No one really cares about my ankles.  And if they do, screw them.  
2.) It's hot out in the summer.  I seem to sweat more as I age.  I want to wear SHORTS and DRESSES and SKIRTS. 
3.) We are often more critical of ourselves, than others are of us.  So chances are when I look at my ankles and see the dreaded cankles, another person probably sees, of all things, and ankle.  
4.) There are people who have lost limbs and who are starving and homeless and I am worried about my STUPID CHUBBY ANKLES?!

So recently I have decided that I do not care who sees my cankles.  The current temperature is somewhere between 90 and surface of the sun, so I have been wearing shorts.  And it feels more liberating than I could ever have imagined.  

Something like this.  
Maybe someday I will post a picture of my ankles.  But probably not.


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